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Argentine Tango, which originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is considered one of the most beautiful dances in the world.  In the 1920's and 30's it traveled across the ocean to the elegant salons of Paris and also became popular among bohemians in the United States. It reached its peak popularity in the 1940's with the melancholy and nostalgic voice of Carlos Gardel and the great tango orchestras that flourished during this period. The lyrics were written by poets drunk on life, women and love. Today, Tango is celebrated around the world and is one of the most prominent dances in Los Angeles.

Argentine Tango for beginners

Join us for 4 weeks of Argentine Tango, referred to as “a secret danced between two people”, this form of tango relies on intuition and connection. We'll teach you the fundamental steps, including The Walk ,Weight Shift, The Embrace, Baldosa (box step), Cruzada, Salida, Rock Step and of course Ochos. They say that the Argentine Tango is felt in the heart, not the feet!

Argentine Tango

Beginner Friendly

Ongoing Class

Monday Nights 

7PM - 7:50PM

Ongoing Beginner Tango Class, Monday nights, tango class, 3rd st dance, beginner tango, 85

Argentine Tango

Ongoing Class

Monday Nights 

8PM - 8:50PM

Tango ongoing .png


New Student Special: $99 ( valid for two weeks of unlimited ongoing classes, New students only, no contract required.)

Single  Drop In / Ongoing Class: $23

8 Class Card: $159 *cannot be shared or transferred to another person

Unlimited Membership*: $169 /month (3 month contract) Unlimited on-going classes,18+ classes a week OR or $199/month. Pay as you go.

No contract 

Ultimate Membership*: $199 /month (3 month contract) Unlimited on-going classes, 18+ on-going classes per week, 4 week Workshops, Monthly Bootcamps, Latin Socials* OR $249/month Pay as you go. No contract.

Premiere Membership*: $279 /month: Unlimited on-going classes, 4 week Workshops, Monthly Bootcamps, Latin Socials,Guest Instructor Classes, Specialty Workshops, one pair of Dance Shoes.*, one 55 min. Private Lesson per month* (shared space).

Dance Bootcamps: $75/person | $65 pre-register or  $140 per couple or $130 per couple pre-register. 

Wedding Dance Bootcamps: $140 couple or $130 pre- register couple

*Premiere private lessons must be used within contract calendar month.No rollover of lessons to the next contract calendar month.

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